My Progress


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Guilt, Shame and all the weight we carry...

Let me just say, I don't write any of my posts for anyone other than me.  If I sound like I'm rambling, I probably am.  For anyone that reads my little blurbs of thought and can relate or likes them, thank you.  This is more or less my online diary laid bare.  My every day struggle with weightloss is right here in all its glorious detail - warts and all :)  The good and the bad, and the ugly and sweet.

Being overweight comes with so many weird little challenges.  The negativity of the people who judge you with such candor couched in the guise of help.  The meanness of those that think they can judge you behind your back and to your face.  The blankness of the people that look right through you because some how being over weight is like a disease you catch. The sweetness of the people doing their very best to help you, while you are sabotoging their efforts because you can't figure out that happy AND healthy coexist.  The sheer volume of weight that is weighing you down, be it emotional or physical.  I can't say this for anyone other than myself, but I know the amount of weight I currently carry is directly proportional to all the guilt and shame and fear I carry in my heart.

I started this post about 5 days ago and I'm still of the opinion that this is true.  I've been thinking about it.  Mulling it this way and that and trying to come to terms with what I know is true.  Guilt, shame and fear all have bulk and substance and they bring a downward force to the scale.  Wouldn't we all like to believe that *snap, poof* and it's all gone were true?