My Progress


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dreams interrupted by Sleep

Haven't had uninterrupted, blank "I'm just out" sleep in a while.  I know they say everyone dreams at night, and 99% of the time I remember my dreams.  Last night I was just out.  That was way better than Tuesday night.  I can no longer tell you in exacting detail what I was dreaming about on Tuesday, but I was very sad when I woke up and I didn't enjoy that.  My whole day and how I interacted or didn't with people was tempered by that dream.  I know I am supposed to be making a change that I don't want to make.

I am a firm believer that dreams are important.  You can call me crazy, but I completely and without guilt believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob speaks to us in our dreams.  I can't say this for anyone else, but He probably uses that avenue with me because I won't shut up and listen any other way when I am awake and He has to get to the heart or spirit of the matter.  And no, not every dream I have do I believe that it is God speaking to me in it.  Sometimes, you just know though.

I tend to work out my waking problems in my dreams and I have the weirdest tendency to relive childhood jobs in mine.  I have had the same dream over and over and over for years.  It varies only slightly from one occurrence to the next and is so real, sometimes I wake up very startled.  I have had dreams where I was absolutely afraid but I knew while I was dreaming that I could wake up at any time. 
I have one reoccurring set of dreams that always involve the same person.  This person means more to me than anyone but my mom.  These dreams are so vivid and real that I have cried waking up because the situation around this person has not changed and I would much rather stay in the dream.  The dreams return to me like clockwork on a regular basis.

I don't know why we dream the way we do.  I do know that stress and unhappiness can bleed into our dreams and that we should pay attention to them.  I look at my dreams, and basically the state of my sleep, and I try to understand what is going on.  Do I have too much stress?  Is something or someone making me unhappy?  Am I having issues that I can't or won't deal with any other way?  Is there unforgiveness in me?  Is God telling me something?