As far as the cleaning so late, I don't know why I do that. That's why Mondays and work can get a little dicey for me sometimes. Not sure exactly why I get the overpowering need to clean at 2 in the morning, but I got my kitchen cleaned, and clean sheets on my bed, and my bathroom cleaned. Now to figure out what to do with all this stupid scrapbook stuff so I can clean the living room and the dining table. I really hate my tendency to collect crap. I call it the "collector" gene. It's actually a patch for a deeper problem and I know it's wrong, insane and stupid to have all this stuff. Yuck!!
I would like to point out, I am in no danger of being on hoarders. There is just too much stuff in my world for comfort though. I have this rule that I try to live by. And yes, hoarders the tv show scares me. If I had to get up and leave this place tomorrow, I should be able to put the important stuff in one box, put the cat in her carrier, grab some clothes and shoes and be out the door. Can't happen at the moment with all the sundry stuff in my life. There is too much baggage holding me down.