My Progress


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Variation of my track workouts - 2010

I am posting all my different track workouts that an old trainer made for me.  I have many handwritten variations of these plans.  I wish I had dated them so I could appreciate the progression I made.  Remembering that for next time will be important.  In the interim, I need to contain them some where so I can stop misplacing them.  I have to say every day older I get, I think a few more brain cells die.  Especially those used to remember where stuff is.  I misplace things all the time.  I really need to kick the diet soda habit as Aspertame is actually probably killing even more cells then time ever could.

To give you some idea of where I was health wise when doing these various track workouts, I was between 214-230lbs.  I love to run and both my former trainer/boxing instructor who made these for me, and my current trainer knew this and always encouraged me to keep doing it because it motivates me to move.  Anyone that is over their ideal weight that can get up and move should.  You need to do it at the level you are comfortable with that is safe and healthy for you. 

I'm pretty much an overachiever. That's why being overweight has broken my heart so many times.  I figure, if it doesn't absolutely put my life in jeapordy, no one can convince not to run or workout hard, or train like the athlete my head thinks I am.  That's just how I roll.  I'm not a thrill junkie and I definitely don't want an adrenaline rush.  But I hate to fail.  And being overweight has been a failure to me. 

People used to tell me all the time that I shouldn't be doing this or that because I was still too heavy, but I didn't listen and I almost never got hurt. Why? Because I was happy and enjoyed what I was doing.  The year I did these I was only slightly hurt a couple times with some strained muscles in my achilles and my shoulder.  This year has been so much different and I've moved much, much less and been hurt far worse.

I figure God gave me two good legs and feet and the ability to put them to use.  Why waste and take for granted what some people can only wish for, right?  Sitting on my behind all day and not moving sounds safe to some, but it was killing me far faster than running ever would.

These took me anywhere from around 30 mins - 1+ hours to complete depending on how hard I pushed myself.

Track Workout One
  • Walk 1 Lap
  • Run 1 lap
  • 5 - 50s
  • 4 - 100s
  • 3 - 200s
  • 1 - 400
Track Workout Two
  • Walk 1 lap
  • Run 1 lap
  • 1 - 400
  • 3 - 200s
  • 4 - 100s
  • 5 - 50s
Track Workout Three
  • Walk 1 lap
  • Run 1 lap
  • 5 - 100s
  • 1 - 400
  • 5 - 100s
  • 1 - 400
Track Workout Four
  • Walk 1 lap
  • Run 1 lap
  • 2 - 200s
  • 1 - 400
  • 2 - 200s
  • 1 - 400