Another bad eating day, but I think I'm gonna take what control I can and do some cardio. I may not be able to change certain circumstances but I can get up and move and no one can take that from me.
Nothing decent though I did start the day with a Red Velvet Sugar cookie... I didn't feel less stressed until after I got that first meeting out of the way and hashed things out with the Manager of the group that I work with. I personally hate conflict which is hard when your job is to tell someone the bugs in their code or process all the time. I have one type of logic and developers have another.
- Wheat wrap with Mustard, 2 cups of lettuce, some onions and pickles, and about 2-3oz of Chicken.
- Baked BBQ lays
- Spicy chicken (no BBQ sauce)
- Small piece of Peppermint Brownie and a little square of fudge
- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Medium Apple with 2.5 tbsp of Peanut Butter