My Progress


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

umm... Wesley Crusher is screaming like a little girl...

You just have to take every opportunity to laugh.  Crying is a drain and being sad about things accomplishes nothing.  I have 90lbs to lose.  That's 90 more pounds.  9 sets of  10lb goals, or 18 sets of 5lb goals.  That's not a little insignificant number and it can be all serious and scary and defeating.  But I don't want it to be.  I make the choice to NOT allow it to be that dramatic and scary.  It's one step, two step, three step, four... and then so on.  That's all it is.

I really prefer to laugh about as many things as possible.  Not only does smiling make you feel great, it makes people wonder what you're up to (momma said so, and I believe my momma.)  So, back to the screaming like a little girl thing.

I'm watching this TV show called Leverage.  Never really watched it much before but I can't find the remote and I don't feel like turning the channels as I am typing this.  I'm watching Wil Wheaton play the geeky pesky snot helping the good guys and the next thing you know, he's screaming like a little girl as they are hurdling over the edge of platform into roaring waters to escape the bad guys.  Hysterical laugh out loud visual seeing Wesley Crusher (any Next Generation fans out there??) screaming like a little girl.  He totally rocks these kinda roles. I LOVE him on Big Bang Theory too.

And I love belly laughter that comes up from your toes and makes you keep laughing for long, long moments after the fact.  That was one funny scene.