My Progress


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If a mirror breaks, and I'm fat, does that mean 7 years of "fat" luck?

Okay, so maybe the post title sounded funnier in my head than it actually is.  I'm a realistic person and I don't believe in luck.  I also don't believe in lying to those around you or to yourself.  A lie is a lie no matter who you are lying to.  I don't think I have much problem distinguishing truth from fantasy; fairytale from fiction. I can pretty much look in a mirror and figure out what it's telling me without help.  Yes, I'm hard on the girl in the mirror, but that doesn't make me mean and that doesn't ultimately mean I have very low self-esteem. You cannot make a change in your life until you're willing to face hard reality. I have multiple checks for reality that I throw myself against in order to get the best possible vision of what "my" reality really is.  Mirrors are only one version of my personal "reality".

My problem has never been that I don't believe what I see.  I believe it.  I just don't always want to face it so I've spent a good bit of my time avoiding surfaces that reflect.  It's not possible to avoid looking at one's self forever.

I'm not sure who designed my bathroom, but they should be slapped.  The mirror fills one entire wall and you can't escape it.  You get in the shower, it's right there and you get out of the shower, and its right there. ugh...  I used to work in an all glass building and I hated to walk up the front steps because of how bad that reflective surface made me feel every day. 

More to follow...