My Progress


Saturday, January 7, 2012

#@!% #@!% #@!% - My leg fraking hurts and other running tragedies

Okay, it will be exactly a year (and maybe some change) since I sprung my SI joint come this February.  I would like to tell you that I am able to run again, but of course, I keep injuring that leg and I'm quite tired of that and to quote my favorite BSG character (Starbuck) - frak, frak, frak!!! I just started running again at the beginning of December and during a sprint with the trainer, I went down, landing square on my big tuckus in the process.  He was behind me when it happened and said it looked like someone shot my leg.  I can only guess it looked kinda odd and probably fairly funny to observers :)

I knew on the first step that something wasn't at all right.  Of course I felt it something like this... right step (oh no...), left step (BAM, somethings wrong in the caliber of did I just rupture my Achilles and I can't stop fast enough), right step, and I was sitting on the ground trying not to cry.  I personally think its something unstable behind my knee, but I refuse to go see my sports meds doctor, cuz he'll try and shoot it full of cortisone (I'm way allergic and he doesn't believe me...) or he will tell me not to run.  I know, FAT girl running doesn't make sense to most but they are not, and I repeat NOT going to stop me from moving.

God gave me two working legs, I will figure out a way to use them.  So instead of completely getting upset, and drowning my anger and frustration in little mini red velvet cupcakes (they are like crack to a food addict, I <3 them), I'm taking a more sane approach.  I have all these great cardio workouts that my old boxing instructor/trainer II made for me.  Instead of completely losing it because I still can't run, I am going to take those workouts, some of which I have put on my blog, and redo 2010.  We shall see how fast that goes.

So, since I can't run STILL, my warm up before training is a 2.0 incline at 3.5 with 2-10lb dumbbells in hand.  That was extremely hard for me in 2010, and isn't really easy for now but I will repeat that at least for January.  More to follow, stay tuned.