My Progress


Monday, September 5, 2011

Today's page ripped from the Cardio Log...

Just sharing the Monday page from my cardio log.  I'll let you know if I fail or if I make it cuz it would sure be easy to be lazy in the AM.  Hugs ~ Kiki

My AM cardio:
  • 3 mile walk/run (walk the curves/run the straights)
  • 1 mile walk (cool down)
My PM cardio:
  • 5 min walk treadmill
  • 3 min med incline walk treadmill
  • 2 min high incline walk treadmill
  • Repeat bullets 2 and 3 for 30 mins
  • 10 min stairmill
  • 15 min elliptical

Absurd things I overheard...

I'm always amazed by the words that tumble out of a person.  I guess sometimes the inner monologue filter gets stuck or doesn't engage properly and the next thing you know, all sorts of wrong things start flying out of the mouth.  It's happened to me and probably happened to many of you.  I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  I don't think every stupid and maybe thoughtless thing that is spoken is done so with a malicious heart.  Sometimes things are said with unintended consequences that keep the speaker from being able to pull their words back fast enough when they know they said something wrong.

My journey continues...

I'm not sure where to start my blog other than to say this... My weightloss journey has been exciting, and challenging.  I've had some super hi-highs (running an entire 5k without stopping) and devastatingly lo-lows (regaining 25lbs after springing my SI joint.)  I've had more than one moment where I wanted to give up.  I've spiraled out of control and had terrible days of eating where I wanted to drown my disappointment and frustration in a bucket of Krazy Cookie Dough ice cream.  Had my trainer not pulled me off the ledge a couple times, I would've seriusly contemplated quitting.  Where would that have left me?  Right back with all of my bad, compulsive habits - miserable and even more overweight.

As I regain my normal healthy weight, it's hard for me to imagine a moment where I won't feel like the 'girl in the fat suit' any more.  I think there is a chubby kid hiding in a lot of people.  Me included.  I have to hope that as my weight steadily goes down, and my physical endurance and strength continues to go up, that even if she doesn't go away, that chubby little girl will learn to stay quiet and stop being so afraid.

My journey isn't over.  There is still weight to lose, goals to reach, and challenges to be overcome.  Tomorrow is just another day (how very Scarlet of me I know.) 

Stay tuned and I will update you on my goals.  I was gonna do 100 goals in 1001 days but that's too long for me, so I have plans for a modified list.  I will also be sharing my daily workout schedule; details from my daily foodlog (with a few pictures for emphasis); all the classes I have plans to try; a couple reviews; and I'll even tell you about my fabu trainer.  See you tomorrow...

Hugs ~ Kiki